Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5K Runners Help Raise Funds for Research about Pulmonary Hypertension

By Corey Moreno
                  MURFREESBORO, Tenn.—5K runners gathered on the morning of Nov. 21 at Blackman High School to help raise funds for Pulmonary Hypertension, a disease that took a local boy too soon.
                  The 5k was hosted by the boy’s mother and father, Sheri Guider and Rich Guider.  Their son, Jonah, passed away on June 21 of this year.  He was going in for a heart catheterization as part of his treatment, and his heart failed him.  Jonah’s mother organized the event to raise funds to aid in the research of Pulmonary Hypertension, and she was able to raise $15,000 through online donations, as well as donations made at the race. 
                  “Every one of y’all is awesome.  Next year it’s going to be bigger and better,” said Mr. Guider.
Photo made available by RunJonahRun.net
                  The National Director of Development and Fund Raising for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association was able to make an appearance and say a few words.  His name is Mike Catell, and he seemed very passionate about being involved in events such as these. 
                  “I have one of the best jobs in the world, because as the national director of development and fundraising, I help folks like the Guiders and others put on about 60 events across the country each year,” said Catell.  “The 5k is part of what we call our Community Grassroots Events program to raise funds and raise awareness to fight this disease.”
                  According to Catell, there aren’t many options for children with Pulmonary Hypertension. 
                  “There’s more research on the side for adult PH, not for pediatric PH,” he said.  “There are 12 treatments for adults.  There aren’t any for pedes." 
                  Despite the lack of treatment, he seemed hopeful. 
                  “Our mission is to eliminate Pulmonary Hypertension,” he added.
Photo made available by RunJonahRun.net
                  For donations, or for information about Jonah Guider, readers can visit the website https://www.gofundme.com/xmvd55w.


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