Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kappa Delta Sorority Builds Confidence With Their Philanthropy

By Jessica Thomas
            MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – The Delta Pi Chapter of Kappa Delta sorority hosted the annual “International Girl’s Day” event on Nov. 16 when 154 Girl Scouts from across the Southeast visited Middle Tennessee State University.
“International Girl’s Day” is a day created by Kappa Delta sorority on behalf of the Confidence Coalition. Its purpose is to encourage confidence in girls of all ages around the world. Kappa Delta takes this day to interact with its philanthropy Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. and teach them that “Girls Can Do Anything”, the holiday’s slogan.   
Girl Scouts from all over Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia traveled to Murfreesboro to participate in this year’s themed event, “Building Confidence and Muscles.” The girls were broken up into groups and sent to timed stations. At each station, Kappa Deltas did a short workout followed by a game with the Girl Scouts. Each Girl Scout who participated received water and their choice of an apple or a banana at the end of the event.            
“The purpose of this event was to install confidence in young girls and encourage healthy habits,” said International Girl’s Day Appointed Officer Cayla Newman. “I think my favorite thing was just seeing all the girl’s faces and knowing that planning this event for them was worth it, because they had a lot of fun with it all.”

Newman has been planning this event since June, and she worked on it up until the day of “International Girl’s Day.” Newman wanted this event to leave a lasting impression on the Girl Scouts.
“Kappa Delta sorority is passionate about helping girls discover that they can be confident,” said Newman.
“Did you know that 74 percent of girls say they are under pressure to please everyone?” said Martha Clark, a mother of a visiting Girl Scout. “I’m just so glad that Kappa Delta [sorority] takes the time out to be here for these girls and teach them that they are perfect just the way they are.”
There is no news on next year’s “International Girl’s Day” event at this time. However, all of the women in the Delta Pi Chapter of Kappa Delta sorority encourage all to come to their next philanthropy event “Wing Fling” on March 29, 2014 to ask them personally how they promote confidence in young girls.
To find more information on what other chapters did for “International Girl’s Day,” visit


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